Monday, August 31, 2009

holy smokes!

the station fire as seen from the studio... we're enjoying the breeze today because it blows the smoke clear and cools us, but i'm sure it is making the situation even more difficult for the thousands of firefighters in the trenches. we're so very thankful and hope that it can be controlled very soon.

Friday, August 28, 2009

another garden lost it's lawn and gained so much more. filled with deep burgundy, soft silvers and blue-greens... i am excited to watch the depth of this space unfold as the plants fill in with their gorgeous textures and contrasting colors.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

a new everything gardens mascot?

Saturday, August 22, 2009

today felt like an east coast summer day... hot and h u m i d. i'm looking forward to fall.

Friday, August 21, 2009

unique designers at space 15twenty

a little shout out in the la times today.

be sure to visit us on sunday at space 15twenty during the farmer's market for the best of la's independent designers. we'll be there with succulents and lots of gardening goodness.

flowering cactus!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

i just installed this beautiful piece at a garden that we worked on last month in hermosa beach. the metal hanging was fabricated in italy to my specs and it is just perfect. we were so thrilled at how it really brings the space together. the photos do not do it justice as the ocean is just passed the planted aloe tree and the wall hanging picks up the beautiful blue. i'm looking for the perfect simple modern bench to place under the piece and i think this space will be complete.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

a lovely saturday at the getty center with mom... so many beautiful layers and amazing plant combinations to inspire. i really loved the massing of black mondo grass with a clump of variegated grass (liriope?) within. it was especially striking. the day was soo great but left us with one major question:
do you think that they prune the floating labyrinth from a mini kayak or wearing waders?

Thursday, August 13, 2009

edible gardens

here are some shots of our lovely edible gardens that we maintain weekly. our heirloom tomatoes are going off! i think that our all around favorite tomato variety that we planted this season is the cherokee purple, although i'm a big fan of the green zebra too. everyone got a hefty bag of veggies this week and we walked away with some good loot ourselves. i'm off to make a caprese salad and get ready for a big day tomorrow (mama gardens comes into town)!!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

how crushable are our new babies? i love all of the new succulents and cacti we just got into the nursery.

Monday, August 10, 2009

nature always wins

one of our upcoming brides and lovely friend, cammie, turned us onto james d. griffioen's gorgeous photography. i am most enamored by the feral houses, but love it all.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

bring your kitty to work day was a smashing success a few weeks ago when steph brought eben. he was such a curious little kitty wandering around the shop. eben loves to eat the plants which i found cute until i realized that he could quickly chew through our inventory... does your cat eat your plants?